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Statement of Commitment to Meeting the Needs of People with Disabilities
& Multi-Year Plan

Medcan is committed to fulfilling our requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act 2005. Medcan provides its services in a manner that ensures all individuals can communicate with us and access our services. We will ensure our company’s compliance with accessibility legislation by preventing and removing physical and virtual barriers to accessibility.

Our staff receives training on accessibility and how to work with fellow employees, clients and suppliers who require any kind of assistance.

Clients who wish to provide feedback to Medcan about its accessibility approach to individuals with disabilities or have questions about this accessibility plan can do so by phone, letter, or email to:

150 York Street, Suite 1500
Toronto, ON
M5H 3S5

Attention: HR Department
Phone: 416.350.5900
Email: HR@medcan.com

All feedback will be directed to the HR department and will be managed according to the clinic’s regular comment process. Clients can also contact Medcan with requests for any of the following items:

  • Additional information about accessibility at the Clinic;
  • A copy of our accessibility policy
  • Client communications in an accessible format

Medcan may, at its discretion, make changes to its Statement of Commitment or Multi-Year Plan.

Standard and accessible formats of this document are free on request.

Multi-Year Plan

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act became law in 2005. Medcan follows the accessibility plan format suggested at the following website: https://www.ontario.ca/page/how-create-accessibility-plan-and-policy

The required accessibility standards will affect people with a full range of disabilities, including physical, vision, hearing and sensory, mental health, developmental and learning.

This accessibility plan outlines the actions that Medcan is taking to meet the requirements of the AODA applicable for its operation by the end of 2025 and to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.

Section One: Past Achievements to Removing and Preventing Accessibility Barriers

During the last few years some of the actions Medcan has taken to improving the level of accessibility of our facility and services for individuals with disabilities include:

  • Revised all our client facing websites and client portal to meet WCAG 2.0 Level AA standards.
  • Printing client communications in larger font sizes.
  • Redesigning and building new clinic spaces so that wheelchairs can be accommodated as well as reducing service counter heights.
  • Accommodating clients with assistive devices, service animals and support personnel.
  • Accommodating employees with disabilities. Developing an internal policy for employees which references individual accommodation plans. HR department created a guideline which lays out steps if faced with individual accommodation plans.
  • Providing an accessibility learning document to new hires to read and sign off upon completion and kept on employee file.
  • Creating an accessibility training document for reception staff to ensure they are up to date with requirements while dealing with clients daily.
  • Formulating a ‘Persons Requiring Assistance Form’ which is sent to all staff and completed if assistance is needed in an emergency.
  • Providing a return-to-work process for employees with disabilities, outlining the steps that will be taken to ensure accommodation requirements are met.
  • Accessibility needs of employees are considered when conducting performance management.

Section Two: Strategies and Actions

Identified below are the initiatives Medcan plans to undertake by the end of 2025 to meet the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act deemed applicable to Medcan and our operation and to remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities.

Accessible Emergency Information

Medcan is committed to providing its clients and employees with publicly available emergency information in an accessible manner upon request. Employees with disabilities will be provided individualized emergency response information when necessary. Medcan shall review the individualized workplace emergency response information when an employee moves to a different location in the organization.

Individualized plans will include:

  1. The accommodation the clinic will provide
  2. How the clinic will assist employees to remain as safe as possible
  3. How and when the plans will be reviewed and updated; and
  4. Information in an accessible format

Information and Communications

Medcan is committed to meeting the communication needs of individuals with disabilities by:

  • Continuing to review the existing websites to ensure compliance with WCAG 2.0 Level AA (other than criteria 1.2.4 live captions and 1.2.5 pre-recorded audio descriptions);
  • Inviting clients and employees with disabilities to provide feedback as to their information and communication needs;
  • Providing accessible communication as quickly as possible and at no additional cost when a person with a disability requests it


Medcan conducts fair and accessible employment practices. Medcan, when requested, accommodates people with disabilities during the recruitment and interview process and at the time of hiring. Applicants are informed during the selection process that they can be accommodated. If a successful participant requests accommodation, Medcan will consult with the applicant and provide or arrange for the provision of suitable accommodation in a manner that considers the applicant’s accessibility needs. Successful applicants will be informed of our policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.

To ensure our employees know of our policy for supporting employees with disabilities we will:

  • Continue to accommodate employees with disabilities as we have been doing.
  • Continue to encourage managers to discuss this item with employees as applicable during their performance management meetings.

Self Service Kiosks

The requirement about self-service kiosks is not applicable to Medcan at present.

Employee Training

Medcan will continue to provide training on Ontario’s accessibility law and on the Human Rights Code (as it relates to people with disabilities) to all its employees who deal with clients or the public or who participate in developing Medcan policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of services. Existing employees will receive refresher training in a manner that best meets their roles and be kept up to date should any policies or procedures change.

Training can be delivered in a number of ways including: employee orientations, separate training sessions, online modules or via other formats.

Medcan’s Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee will review yearly the clinic’s accessibility and any barriers. Any recommendations will be forwarded to the JOHSC committee sponsors for consideration and approval.

Any accessibility learning updates will be communicated as follows:

  • Email;
  • Employee meetings;
  • Department meetings

Existing employees receiving refresher training will be required to sign a statement indicating the completion of training which will be kept in their employee files.

Design of Public Spaces

Medcan will take all reasonable steps to prevent or remove any accessibility barriers as required and requested. By the end of 2025, Medcan will:

  • Consider accessibility standards when renovating any of its existing facilities or building new facilities in new areas; and
  • Consider accessibility standards when purchasing new equipment for use by clients.
  • Assess the given locations to ensure they meet physical standards such as counter heights, wheelchair access and any other physical accessibility requirements.


Medcan remains committed to continuing its efforts in identifying, preventing, and removing accessibility barriers within the organization.

Clinic, Accessibility & Privacy Policies

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